Python Programming

Introduction to Python

Understand the basics of Python and its significance in the programming world.

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Python Data Types

Learn about the different data types in Python, such as integers, floats, strings, and booleans.

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Variables and Arithmetic Operations

Understand how to create and use variables as well as perform basic arithmetic operations in Python.

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Conditional Statements

Learn how to use if, elif, and else statements to create decision-making code in Python.

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Understand the concept of repetition using for and while loops in Python.

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Learn how to create and use reusable sections of code with custom functions in Python.

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Error Handling and Exceptions

Understand how to handle errors and exceptions using try, except, and finally statements in Python.

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File Handling

Learn how to work with files: creating, reading, writing, and updating files in Python.

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Understand lists in Python: how to create, access, modify, and loop through lists.

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Learn about tuples in Python: creating, accessing, and modifying immutable ordered collections.

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Understand sets in Python: how to create, access, and perform set operations on unordered collections.

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Learn how to work with dictionaries: creating, accessing, modifying, and traversing key-value pairs in Python.

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String Manipulation

Learn various techniques to manipulate strings in Python, including slicing, concatenation, and formatting.

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Object-Oriented Programming

Understand the basics of object-oriented programming in Python, including classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

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Modules and Packages

Learn how to create, import, and use Python modules and packages for code organization and reusability.

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Understand the concept of decorators in Python, their purpose, and how to create and use them.

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Learn about Python generators, their purpose, and how to create and use them for efficient code execution.

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Regular Expressions

Understand the purpose and usage of regular expressions in Python for pattern matching and string manipulations.

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Concurrency and Multithreading

Learn how to perform concurrent execution of code using threads and async programming in Python.

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Networking and Sockets

Understand networking concepts and work with sockets in Python to create client-server applications.

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Web Scraping

Learn how to extract and process data from websites using Python libraries like Beautiful Soup and requests.

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APIs and RESTful Services

Understand the basics of APIs and create/access RESTful web services using Python requests library.

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Database Interaction

Learn how to interact with databases like SQLite and PostgreSQL using Python for storing and retrieving data.

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Python Libraries and Frameworks

Explore popular Python libraries and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, Flask, and Django for various applications.

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