Basic Email Functionality

Learn the essential components of email platforms and understand how to send emails, reply, and manage your inbox.
Introduction to Email Platforms

This module provides an overview of various email platforms and their features, enabling learners to choose the right platform for their needs.

Start Learning
Creating and Sending Emails

Learn the process of composing an email, adding recipients, and formatting the email content, as well as navigating send options and common features.

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Managing the Inbox

Discover best practices for organizing and maintaining an efficient inbox, including sorting messages, archiving, searching, and creating folders or labels.

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Replying and Forwarding

Understand how to properly reply to email messages, forward emails, and utilize additional features for team collaboration and continued correspondence.

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Attachments and File Management

Learn how to add, send, and download email attachments, as well as manage different file types and sizes.

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