Active Listening

Focusing fully on what is being said by the customer and ensuring understanding before providing a response.
Introduction to Active Listening

Learn the basics of active listening, its importance, and how it improves communication and customer satisfaction.

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Recognizing Barriers to Active Listening

Identify common obstacles that prevent effective active listening and explore strategies to overcome these challenges.

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Verbal and Non-Verbal Active Listening Techniques

Discover various verbal and non-verbal techniques used to demonstrate active listening, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and body language.

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Asking Effective Questions

Understand the role of open-ended and closed-ended questions in active listening and how to use them effectively to gather information and clarify understanding.

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Active Listening in Challenging Situations

Learn how to apply active listening skills in difficult customer interactions, managing emotions, and deescalating conflict to reach a resolution.

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