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Lessons From Creating 200+ Smma Offers

TLDR Creating effective offers for agencies involves focusing on the metric prospects value most, using time frames and precise offers, and recognizing that people may prioritize leads over money. Testing multiple offers and language is crucial, as what's unattractive to one person may be appealing to another.

Key Insights

Focus on What Prospects Want Most

One of the key takeaways from Lawrence Thomas is the importance of focusing on the metric prospects want the most. This could be time frames, precise offers, or priorities like leads instead of money. By understanding and prioritizing what the prospects value, agencies can tailor their offers to better meet their needs, ultimately increasing the chances of closing deals and forming long-term relationships.

Utilize Sliding Scales for Guarantees

Lawrence Thomas emphasizes the effectiveness of utilizing sliding scales for guarantees based on client needs and payment terms. This strategy allows agencies to cater their offers to individual clients, providing a level of flexibility that can enhance the attractiveness of the offer. By customizing guarantees based on specific client requirements, agencies can demonstrate their willingness to accommodate and support the client's objectives.

Test Multiple Offers and Language

Another valuable lesson from Lawrence Thomas is the importance of testing multiple offers and language. Testing different offers can uncover surprising results and insights about what resonates most with prospects. Additionally, testing language and wording is crucial, as what may be unattractive to one person could be appealing to another. By continuously testing and iterating offers and language, agencies can refine their approach and optimize the effectiveness of their sales messaging.

Questions & Answers

What is the first lesson learned from working with over 200 agencies around creating offers?

The first lesson is that less is often more, focusing on the metric prospects want the most. Time frames and precise offers are crucial.

What are some surprising priorities that people may have instead of money?

It's surprising that people don't always want money, but may prioritize leads.

What are effective strategies for guarantees based on client needs and payment terms?

Sliding scales for guarantees based on client needs and payment terms are effective strategies.

Why is testing multiple offers essential?

Testing multiple offers is essential as surprising results often emerge.

What is the key point of the conversation?

The key point of the conversation is to always test the language and wording, as what may be unattractive to one person could be appealing to another.

What additional assistance does the speaker offer viewers?

The speaker offers assistance with scheduling calls and growing various types of businesses, as well as a link in the description for more information.

Summary of Timestamps

Lawrence Thomas shares valuable lessons learned from working with over 200 agencies around creating offers.
The first lesson is that less is often more, focusing on the metric prospects want the most. Time frames and precise offers are crucial.
It's surprising that people don't always want money, but may prioritize leads. Sliding scales for guarantees based on client needs and payment terms are effective strategies.
Testing multiple offers is essential as surprising results often emerge.
The key point of the conversation is to always test the language and wording, as what may be unattractive to one person could be appealing to another.
The speaker encourages viewers to hit the thumbs up and subscribe for more content. Additionally, the speaker offers assistance with scheduling calls and growing various types of businesses, as well as a link in the description for more information.

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