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Unleashing Ai On The Martial Arts Niche 🥋

TLDR Rebecca Duron, a successful marketer in the martial arts industry, discussed the implementation of AI and automation for lead management and appointment scheduling with Stan from Flexible. They explored the potential of AI to engage with leads, schedule appointments, and manage a large volume of leads for car finance. The conversation also centered around a new AI technology called Sleeping Beauty, which generates passive income for businesses at no cost to the clients, leveraging fresh data from the client's database. Rebecca highlighted the potential of AI to handle lead generation and shared her success in creating promotions and generating revenue for martial arts studios.

Key Insights

Implementing CRM, SMS, and Email Workflows for Martial Arts Schools

Rebecca Duron specializes in aiding martial arts schools with student growth and revenue by implementing CRM, SMS, and email workflows through her licensing program. With a focus on grassroots marketing and small to medium-sized databases, Rebecca's team achieves a high 60% show rate for appointment setting and lead management. Utilizing high-level calendar booking and personalized deals, they manage client conversations exclusively through SMS and email.

Leveraging AI and Automation for Lead Management and Appointment Scheduling

The conversation highlighted the effective use of AI and automation for lead management and appointment scheduling. It included an example of utilizing AI to engage with leads and schedule appointments for martial arts studios, even with 'dead' lists. There was also mention of the potential for AI to handle scheduling, follow-up, and managing a large volume of leads for various industries, emphasizing its transformative impact on lead management processes.

Exploring Passive Income Generation with AI Technology

The discussion introduced a new AI technology called Sleeping Beauty, designed as a passive income generator for businesses without any costs for the clients. It leverages fresh data from the client's database, leading to increased passive income, scalability, and a high return on investment. The conversation also delved into utilizing AI technology in new business spaces such as the final expense industry, emphasizing offering the service on a performance basis and its potential impact on various business campaigns.

Utilizing AI for Lead Generation and Revenue Generation

Rebecca expressed excitement over the potential of AI to handle lead generation and shared her success in creating promotions and generating revenue for martial arts studios. The conversation highlighted overcoming objections related to bad leads, improving sales processes, and Dan's mention of a 5-day challenge for building bots and generating leads from cold traffic.

Questions & Answers

How does Rebecca Duron help martial arts schools?

Rebecca helps martial arts schools in the US, Canada, and the UK with student growth, revenue, and customer lifetime value. She implements CRM, SMS, email, and workflows through her licensing program.

What tools does Rebecca Duron's team use for appointment setting and lead management?

Rebecca's team uses high level for calendar booking and appointment notifications. They offer personalized deals and manage conversations with potential clients only through SMS and email.

What is the potential strategy discussed for high volume lead flow management?

The conversation touched on the use of AI and automation for lead management and appointment scheduling, with an example of using AI to engage with leads and schedule appointments for martial arts studios. There was also a mention of using AI in managing a large volume of leads for car finance.

What was the AI technology called Sleeping Beauty discussed in the conversation?

The conversation revolved around a new AI technology called Sleeping Beauty, which is a passive income generator for businesses. It leverages fresh data from the client's database, leading to increased passive income, and has a focus on using the AI technology in new business spaces such as in the final expense industry.

What was Rebecca Duron's success and excitement related to AI technology?

Rebecca highlighted the potential of AI to handle lead generation, expressing excitement over the possibilities. She also shared her success in creating promotions and generating revenue for martial arts studios.

Summary of Timestamps

Stan from Flexible caught up with Rebecca Duron, a successful marketer in the martial arts industry.
Rebecca helps martial arts schools in the US, Canada, and the UK with student growth, revenue, and customer lifetime value.
The conversation discussed the use of AI and automation for lead management and appointment scheduling.
The conversation revolved around a new AI technology called Sleeping Beauty, which is a passive income generator for businesses.
Rebecca highlighted the potential of AI to handle lead generation, expressing excitement over the possibilities.
Dan mentioned a 5-day challenge for building bots and generating leads from cold traffic.

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