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Why Can't Robots Check The Box That Says 'I'm Not A Robot'? | Wtfaq | Abc Tv + Iview

TLDR Recaptcha was created by Google to replace the old captcha system. It tracks mouse movements and uses mass movement tests to distinguish humans from bots, but spam operators still use digital sweatshops to solve recaptchas. Google's privacy statement shows they collect browsing data, raising privacy concerns, and the latest versions of reCAPTCHA can track users without a checkbox.

Key Insights

Understanding the Purpose of reCAPTCHA

The purpose of reCAPTCHA is to replace the old CAPTCHA system, which had accessibility and effectiveness issues. Google invented reCAPTCHA to track mouse movements and utilize mass movement tests to distinguish between human users and bots. Although the system aims to enhance security, it has been exploited by spam operators who use digital sweatshops to solve reCAPTCHAs at a low cost.

Privacy Concerns and User Tracking

reCAPTCHA's use of browsing history to determine human users raises privacy concerns, as Google collects browsing data through the system. Additionally, Google assumes permission to track users' searches, ad interactions, and website visits without explicit consent, potentially impacting user privacy. Furthermore, the latest versions of reCAPTCHA can track users without the need for a checkbox, possibly increasing privacy and tracking concerns.

Questions & Answers

What is recaptcha and why was it invented?

Google invented recapture to replace the old capture system that became inaccessible to the vision impaired and less effective against robots.

How does the recapture system differentiate human users from bots?

The recapture system tracks mouse movements and may include mass movement tests to differentiate human users from bots.

How do spam operators try to solve recaptures?

Spam operators still use digital sweatshops to solve recaptures for a low cost.

What data does recapture examine to determine human users?

Recapture examines browsing history to determine human users.

What are the privacy concerns related to Google's recapture system?

Google's privacy statement reveals that they collect browsing data, raising privacy concerns.

What permissions does Google assume to track users?

Google assumes permission to track your searches, ads interaction, and website visits without requiring explicit consent.

How does the latest version of reCAPTCHA track users?

The latest versions of reCAPTCHA can track users without a checkbox.

Summary of Timestamps

Google invented recapture to replace the old capture system that became inaccessible to the vision impaired and less effective against robots.
The recapture system tracks mouse movements and may include mass movement tests to differentiate human users from bots.
Spam operators still use digital sweatshops to solve recaptures for a low cost.
Recapture examines browsing history to determine human users, but Google's privacy statement reveals that they collect browsing data, raising privacy concerns.
Google assumes permission to track your searches, ads interaction, and website visits without requiring explicit consent.
The latest versions of reCAPTCHA can track users without a checkbox, raising concerns about tracking without clear consent.
The message humorously suggests that human error is evident and appreciates the information provided before signing off with 'later, humans.'

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