
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Alex Birch ale*******
Kevin Branscum kev***********
Jo-Shan Lee jo-********
Tyler McKinley tmc****** Global Technology Transfer Group Managing Director Investment Banking Portland, OR, US
Tricia Clemans tcl***** Global Technology Transfer Group Director Investment Banking Portland, OR, US
Andrew Sweeney asw***** Global Technology Transfer Group Director Investment Banking Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Kari Lubitz klu**** Global Technology Transfer Group Managing Director, Operations Investment Banking Portland, OR, US
Michael Lubitz mlu**** Global Technology Transfer Group Managing Director and Founder Investment Banking Portland, OR, US
Ethan McKinley emc****** Global Technology Transfer Group Associate Analyst Investment Banking Corvallis, OR, US
Alex Harry aha*** Global Technology Transfer Group Patent Operations and Development Manager Investment Banking Portland, OR, US