
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Theuns Schoonwinkel the*** Group Financial Manager Cape Town, WC, ZA
Matt Southard mso****** GoGuardian Vice President, Accounting Software Los Angeles, CA, US
Charmlynne du Plessis cha******* HR Manager Cape Town, WC, ZA
Charlton Emtoch cha***** Operations Manager Cape Town, WC, ZA
Sharad Gupta sgu*** GoGuardian Chief Product Officer Software Kirkland, WA, US
Mike Rozek mro*** GoGuardian VP, Engineering Software Santa Monica, CA, US
Jonathan Titus jon***** Regional Operations Manager City of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Tyler Shaddix tsh***** GoGuardian Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder Software United States
Stefan Nel ste*** Regional Operations Manager City of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Bryan Evans bev*** GoGuardian VP of Sales Software Boston, MA, US