
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
John Gahring jga***** Senior Project Manager Nashville, TN, US
Savannah Sicurella ssi******* The Business Journals Reporter Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Melanie Levs mle** The Business Journals Assistant Managing Editor Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Doug Sams dsa** The Business Journals Editor In Chief Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Joey Powell jpo**** The Business Journals Vice President, Advertising Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Amy Wenk awe** The Business Journals Reporter Publishing Decatur, GA, US
David Rubinger dru****** The Business Journals Market President and Publisher Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Chris Fuhrmeister cfu********* The Business Journals Reporter Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Dacia Halaschek-Wiener dha************** The Business Journals Senior Director, Events Publishing Atlanta, GA, US
Erin Schilling esc******* The Business Journals Digital Editor Publishing Atlanta, GA, US