
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jolie Baez-Gonzalez jba*********** Gilbert Tweed International CFO Staffing and Recruiting New York, NY, US
Pat Browne-Zak pbr******** Gilbert Tweed International Managing Director Staffing and Recruiting New York, NY, US
Marina Terechino mte******* Gilbert Tweed International Managing Director Staffing and Recruiting Irvington, NY, US
Stephanie Pinson spi**** Gilbert Tweed International President Staffing and Recruiting Watchung, NJ, US
Elissa Morano emo**** Gilbert Tweed International Managing Director Staffing and Recruiting Edgewater, NJ, US
Abram Claude acl**** Gilbert Tweed International Managing Director Staffing and Recruiting North Salem, NY, US
Azra Hameed aha**** Gilbert Tweed International Partner Staffing and Recruiting Bengaluru, KA, IN
Brian Musil bri** Big Data Supply, Inc. President and CEO Computer Hardware Manufacturing Laguna Niguel, CA, US
Jenn Einstoss jen* Big Data Supply, Inc. Computer Hardware - Sales and Buyback Computer Hardware Manufacturing California, United States
Daniel Martinez dan*** Big Data Supply, Inc. IT Hardware and Asset Consultant Computer Hardware Manufacturing Santa Ana, CA, US