
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Patricia Feldman pat***** Greystone, Inc. Human Resources Director Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Lincoln, RI, US
Brent Turvey bre** Greystone, Inc. Operations Manager Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Richmond, Virginia, United States
Leif Walther lei* Greystone, Inc. Vice President of Sales and Strategy Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Williamsburg, Virginia, United States
Andrew Stire and*** Greystone, Inc. Plant Manager Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Millville, MA, US
Jerzy Żołubak jer** Greystone, Inc. Dyrektor Zakładu Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Poland
A'Keen White a'k*** Greystone, Inc. General Manager Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Williamsburg, VA, US
Amine Aitarbia ami** Greystone, Inc. Precision machinist Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Robert Molkenthin rob************** Chief Operating Officer Perth, WA, AU
Gia Ca Paul Smit [email protected] Chief Financial Officer New York, NY, US
Jessica Wang jes********* Consultant Perth, Western Australia, Australia