
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Francisco Pardal fra************* Capital Analyst Setubal, Portugal
Sofia Oliveira sof*********** Innovation Manager Lisbon, PT
Stone Park spa** Relli Technology Inc Chief Operating Officer and VP of Int'l sales Aerospace & Defense Suwanee, GA, US
Lorena Clark lcl*** Relli Technology Inc CFO Aerospace & Defense Pompano Beach, FL, US
Michael Goodman mgo***** Relli Technology Inc Program Manager and Export Compliance Aerospace & Defense Boca Raton, Florida, United States
Emanuel Soare eso*** Relli Technology Inc Buyer and Manager Aerospace & Defense Boca Raton, FL, US
Larry Hoover lho**** Relli Technology Inc Program Manager Aerospace & Defense Chambersburg, PA, US
John Cooke jco*** Relli Technology Inc Sales Support Specialist Aerospace & Defense Pompano Beach, Florida, United States
Deana Donohue dea** President and Chief Executive Officer Davis, CA, US
Mark Wilson mar* Managing Director Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand