
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Henrik Boman hen********* Axis Communications Director Business Programs and Governance, Global Sales Computer Networking Products Lund, SE
Henrik Lindmark hen************ Axis Communications Director Of User Experience and PM Computer Networking Products Norrköping, Östergötland County, Sweden
Camilla Johansson cam************** Axis Communications Learning and Development Lead Computer Networking Products Sweden
Jochen Sauer joc********* Axis Communications A and E Manager Computer Networking Products North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Anna Jeppsson ann********** Axis Communications Research and Development Director PTZ Computer Networking Products Lund, SE
Øystein Frøysa ãfr***** Financial Director Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Rune Mjølhus rmj****** Regional Director for South America and West Africa Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Bø Hjalmar bhj***** Director NLM INternational Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Ole Sameien osa***** Forsamlingsleder Norway
øyvind Ã¥sland ãã¥***** General Secretary Oslo, Oslo, Norway