
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
SP Kalaunee Country Representative Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States
Sp Kalaunee Country Representative Norristown, PA, US
Allison Dalziel all**** Program Associate Chatham, NJ, US
Antoinette Penkala ant******* Reitman Personnel Accounts Payable Clerk Staffing and Recruiting New Haven, CT, US
Chrissy Gagliardi chr**** Reitman Personnel Office Manager Staffing and Recruiting Branford, CT, US
Doug Foley dou* Giant Goat President Advertising Services Virginia Beach, VA, US
Nithya Mani nit*** Giant Goat Digital Content Strategist Advertising Services Kitchener, ON, CA
Ben Mallory [email protected] Giant Goat Digital Project Manager Advertising Services Burlington, ON, CA
Leslie Shaw les*** Board Member Boonton, NJ, US
Bill Gardner bga***** The Branford Group President and Chief Executive Officer Machinery Manufacturing Branford, CT, US