
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Carrie Lu [email protected] Vertel Finance Manager Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Ashish Giri agi** Vertel Solution Architect Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Syed Shah ssh** Vertel Network Engineer Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Adrian Baric aba*** Vertel Head of Government Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Tony Hudson thu**** Vertel Commercial Director Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Bruce Reid bre** Vertel Head of Service Provider Partnerships Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Jake Okrzesik jok****** IT Project Manager Washington, DC, US
Jonathan Shearman jsh****** Vertel Technical Writer Telecommunications Sydney, NSW, AU
Rodney Goble rgo*** Principal Owner, Managing Partner and Founder Detroit, MI, US
Hector Aguirre hag***** Head Coach Detroit, MI, US