
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jakub Świsłowski jak*************** Wiceprezes Zarządu ds. biznesu Warsaw, PL
Russell Wood rus********* Infographics UK Ltd Director of Sales Software Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
Jan Kidawa jan******* Product Manager Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
Lorna Tilsley lor********** Infographics UK Ltd Head of Human Resources and Marketing Software Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
Paweł Jakóbik paw************ Marketing Team Leader Madrid, ES
Callum Darling cal*********** Infographics UK Ltd Junior Software Developer Software Edinburgh, GB
Kush Bhalodi kus********* React Front-end Developer Warsaw, PL
Paul Moore pau******* Infographics UK Ltd Developer Software Oxford, GB
Ada Panek ada****** Customer Service Manager and Head of Social Media Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Janey Fennell jan********** Infographics UK Ltd Marketing Software Edinburgh, GB