
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Robert Barr rba** Westerra Credit Union Vice President Operations Banking Denver, CO, US
Kenna Ward kwa** Westerra Credit Union Contact Center Manager Banking United States
David Neff dne** Westerra Credit Union Vice President Banking Englewood, CO, US
Steve Stevens sst***** Westerra Credit Union Chief Digital Officer Banking Denver, Colorado, United States
Orion Lauda o-l**** SVPA Architects Inc. Senior Architectural Technician Architecture and Planning Des Moines, IA, US
Mike Rubincam mru****** Westerra Credit Union Vice President of Business Intelligence Banking Denver, CO, US
Joe McCoy jmc*** Westerra Credit Union Commercial Real Estate Lending Banking Parker, CO, US
Kevin Kapke kka*** Westerra Credit Union Director Of Program Operations Banking Denver, Colorado, United States
Brandon Gough bra***** Harry Ritchie's Jewelers Chief Executive Officer Retail Irvine, CA, US
Tobey Ritchie tob*** Harry Ritchie's Jewelers Executive Vice President Retail Eugene, OR, US