
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Carolyn Butland car************ Head of Finance, Planning and Decision Support and Southern Cross Pet Insurance Chief Financial Officer New Zealand
Leanne Fever lea********* Event Manager New Zealand
Jeffrey Smith jsm*** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Partner Real Estate Roseland, NJ, US
Brenda Richard bri***** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Marketing and Training Director Real Estate Roseland, NJ, US
Henry Smith hsm*** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Regional Manager Real Estate Morristown, NJ, US
Christopher Teresi cte**** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Property manager residenal and commercial Real Estate Seaside Heights, NJ, US
Phyllis Mueller pmu***** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Administrator and Vice President Real Estate Morristown, NJ, US
Sasha Saco ssa** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Community Manager Real Estate Hackensack, NJ, US
Jonathan Raboy jra*** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Director of Marketing and Leasing Real Estate New York, New York, United States
Nancy Meyer nme*** Kriegman and Smith, Inc. Leasing Manager Real Estate Hackensack, NJ, US