
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Bill Shafton bil********* Grindr VP, Business and Legal Affairs Software Development West Hollywood, CA, US
Sunil Parekh sun********* Grindr Vice President of Product Management Software Development San Francisco, CA, US
Henry Bird hen******* Grindr Vice President of Partnerships, Corporate Development and Strategy Software Development San Francisco, CA, US
Joel Keating joe********* Grindr SVP, Engineering and Chief Information Security Officer Software Development Chicago, IL, US
Vanna Krantz van********* Grindr Chief Financial Officer Software Development New York, NY, US
John Omans joh******* Puronics CFO, VP of Finance Consumer Goods Castro Valley, CA, US
Eric Hansen eri******** Puronics Vice-President, Finance Consumer Goods El Cerrito, CA, US
Russ Puckett rus********* Puronics General Manager of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Retail Sales and Service Business Consumer Goods Cincinnati, OH, US
Jeff Atkinson jef********** Puronics General Manager Consumer Goods Livermore, CA, US
James Alaimo jam********* Puronics Regional Manager Consumer Goods Boynton Beach, Florida, United States