
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ioanna Christoforaki ich*********** Researcher Greece
Eleni Vernardaki eve******** Project Manager at DARIAH-GR Greece
Ioannis Telelis ite***** Researcher Greece
Thomas Neal nea* OTJ Architects Director of Architecture Architecture and Planning Boston, MA, US
Heather Hamby ham** OTJ Architects Senior Marketing Coordinator Architecture and Planning New York, NY, US
Megan Boylan boy*** OTJ Architects Senior Project Manager Architecture and Planning Washington, DC, US
Amanda Goldenberg gol******* OTJ Architects Project Designer Architecture and Planning New York, NY, US
Jordana Coppola cop**** OTJ Architects Senior Principal and Chief People Officer Architecture and Planning Washington, DC, US
Kathy Stuhler stu**** OTJ Architects Director of Financial Operations Architecture and Planning Dallas, TX, US
Michele Groenewald mic**** Channel Manager County Cork, Munster, Ireland