
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Randy Collier ran*** Owner Austin, TX, US
Igor Assaife igo* ezyCollect UX and UI Engineer Software Development State of Paraná, Brazil
Tony Gu ton* ezyCollect Customer Success Lead Software Development Sydney, NSW, AU
Graham Morrison gra************ Bloomberg Managing Editor and Visual Media Financial Services New York, NY, US
Kristin Powers kri*********** Bloomberg Managing editor Financial Services New York, NY, US
Margaret Ely mar********* Bloomberg Managing Editor of Social and Audience Development Financial Services New York, NY, US
Lauren Kiel lau******** Bloomberg General Manager, Bloomberg Green Financial Services New York, NY, US
Tom Moroney tom******** Bloomberg Managing Editor, Radio and TV, Bloomberg Financial Services Boston, MA, US
Lynn Doan lyn****** Bloomberg Managing Editor, Technology Financial Services San Francisco, CA, US
Maria Angelicoussis man*********** Chief Executive Officer London, GB