
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Koen Slos koe****** General Manager | URSA Benelux, UK and Ireland I Sustainable insulation solutions Waregem, BE
Keith Conti kco*** Ital Foods Accounts Payable Specialist Food and Beverage Manufacturing Daly City, CA, US
Paweł Węglorz pwä****** Videographer and Graphic Designer Denmark
Carina Baj cba* Driftschef Viborg, DK
Diana Jørgensen djã******** Bogholder Silkeborg, DK
Tom Churchill tch******* SHOTOVER Systems CEO Aviation & Aerospace Boulder, CO, US
Marina Bashneva mba****** SHOTOVER Systems Marketing Manager Aviation & Aerospace Erie, CO, US
Amy Ash aas* SHOTOVER Systems Vice President of Operations Aviation & Aerospace Boulder, CO, US
Alan Rowe aro** SHOTOVER Systems Lead Software Engineer Aviation & Aerospace Denver, Colorado, United States
Ryan Locker rlo**** SHOTOVER Systems GEAR Product Manager Aviation & Aerospace Boulder, CO, US