
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Tara Farleigh far****** Administrative Asst to the President Fairfield, IL, US
Debbie Bryant bry**** Administrative Assistant, Dean of Instruction Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Megan Black bla*** Director of Instructional Services Evansville, IN, US
Åsa Thunman ã…s********* Sandvik Executive Vice President General Counsel Mining Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Johan Renmarker joh************ Sandvik Vice President Wear Protection and Screening Media Mining Malmö, SE
Christian Bjorne chr************* Sandvik Vice President, Sales Area North Europe Mining Trelleborg, Skåne County, Sweden
Charlotta Malmlund cha*************** Sandvik Chief Compliance Officer Mining Stockholm, SE
Erwin Steinhauser erw************** Sandvik Medical Doctor Sandvik and Sandvik Ungarn Mining Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland
Jesper Persson jes*********** Sandvik Vice President Pl Services, Ba Construction Mining Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
David Shellhammer dav************** Sandvik Division President Mining United States