
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Dillon Thomas dil********** Deque Systems, Inc Product Designer Software Cincinnati, OH, US
Sujasree Kurapati suj************** Deque Systems, Inc Managing Director Software Hyderabad, IN
Laly Joseph lal******** Deque Systems, Inc Staff Accountant Software Torrance, CA, US
Sachin Gupta sac********* Deque Systems, Inc Vice President of Product Management Software United States
Paul Bohman pau******** Deque Systems, Inc Director Of Training Software Washington, DC, US
Derek Bishop der** Chief Financial Officer Winnipeg, MB, CA
John Mooney joh* VP Sales and Marketing Guelph, ON, CA
Kelly Sitarz kel** President Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Juice Lambert jui** President Ile des Chênes, MB, CA
Sam Bhat [email protected] Vice President Global Business Development Toronto, ON, CA