
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ricardo Quadros ric**** Afry Head of Environment State of São Paulo, Brazil
Stefan Svensson ste*** Afry Purchasing Director Danderyd, SE
Stephanie McCarthy smc****** Real Estate Paralegal Syracuse, New York, United States
Stephanie Plumpton spl****** Real Estate Paralegal Calcium, New York, United States
Jill Spielmann jsp******* Attorney Watertown, NY, US
Jason Rutkauskas jru******** Sr. Account Manager Potsdam, NY, US
Craig Compiano cra*********** Modius CEO Software Development Pleasanton, CA, US
Brett Udashkin bre*********** Modius Chief Marketing Officer Software Development Toronto, ON, CA
Ryan Scott rya******* Modius Vice President of Sales Software Development Texas, United States
Sergey Dub ser******* Modius Director of Engineering Services Software Development Fresno, CA, US