
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Alex Arnold ale* Quirk Books Senior Editor Book and Periodical Publishing New York, NY, US
Shaun Donovan sdo***** Executive Partner for Workforce Development Camp Hill, PA, US
Jennifer Murphy jen***** Quirk Books Marketing Manager and Publicist Book and Periodical Publishing Philadelphia, PA, US
Rebecca Gyllenhaal reb**** Quirk Books Assistant Editor Book and Periodical Publishing Philadelphia, PA, US
Joel Jackson jja***** Sales Development Associate United States
Andie Reid and** Quirk Books Art Director Book and Periodical Publishing Philadelphia, PA, US
Tawny Lara taw** Quirk Books Author Book and Periodical Publishing New York, NY, US
Richard Klinghoffer ric**************** CEO Seattle, WA, US
Wendy Jenkins wen********** Vice President Clinical Development Seattle, WA, US
Jessica Bertout jes************ Vice President, Alliance and Program Management Bellevue, WA, US