
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Maria Hernandez mhe******* Paralegal Miami, FL, US
Vivian Rodriguez-Clarke vro************** Flex HR - Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing Solutions Senior Consultant Human Resources Atlanta, GA, US
Teresa Monday tmo**** Flex HR - Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing Solutions Director, Compensation and SR HR Manager Human Resources Cumming, GA, US
Paul Sundberg psu****** Flex HR - Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing Solutions Sr. Vice President Human Resources Human Resources Acworth, GA, US
Parker Pierce par*** Owner Jackson, MS, US
Terri Daniels ter** Corporate Housing Consultant Brandon, MS, US
Heather Summers hsu***** Flex HR - Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing Solutions Director of Training and Senior HR Manager Human Resources Buford, Georgia, United States
Mark Behlke mbe**** Integrated DNA Technologies Chief Scientific Officer Biotechnology Research Coralville, IA, US
Jonathan Hall jha** Integrated DNA Technologies CIO Biotechnology Research Cedar Rapids, IA, US
Peter Kim pki* Integrated DNA Technologies Vice President Global Marketing Biotechnology Research Anaheim, CA, US