
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mina Dawoud mda**** Steinger, Greene & Feiner Attorney Law Practice Miami, FL, US
Rivers Nesler rne**** Steinger, Greene & Feiner Attorney At Law Law Practice Nashville, TN, US
Lindsay Naparstek lna******* Steinger, Greene & Feiner Attorney Law Practice West Palm Beach, FL, US
John Rocco jro*** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Vice President of Operations and Accreditation Healthcare New York, NY, US
Renee Hastick-Motes rha*********** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Vice President of External Affairs Healthcare New York, NY, US
Donald Morrish dmo***** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs ► Executive Leadership Healthcare New York, NY, US
Karen Gleason kgl***** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Chief Quality Officer, Vice President Healthcare United States
Ed Stanley Byrd est********** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Chief Diversity Officer for Episcopal Health Services and St. John's Episcopal Hospital Healthcare Rochester, NY, US
William Wallace wwa***** St. John's Episcopal Hospital Head of Organizational Development and Learning Healthcare New York, NY, US
Karen M St. John's Episcopal Hospital Chief Pharmacy Officer Healthcare United States