
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Stephanie Parker ste************* Director of Human Resources Chapel Hill, NC, US
Hanne Engberg han********** Medius Senior Vice President Human Resources Software Development Stockholm, SE
Jim Lucier jim******* Medius Chief Executive Officer Software Development Washington, DC, US
Branden Jenkins bra************ Medius Chief Operating Officer (COO) Software Development Las Vegas, NV, US
Martin Billenius mar************* Medius Chief Revenue Officer Software Development Linköping, Östergötland County, SE
Kim Albrecht kim********* Medius CMO Software Development Phoenix, AZ, US
Paul Ellis pau******* Medius Chief Product Officer Software Development Hyde, GB
Torbjörn Andersson tor**************** Medius Chief Information Security Officer Software Development Linköping, SE
Kelly O'Connor kel*********** Medius Vice President, Web Strategy Software Development Kansas City, MO, US
Karn Ghosh kar******* Founder and CEO Sydney, NSW, AU