
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Scott Furlong sco********** Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost Oswego, NY, US
Prabakar Kothandaraman pra******************* Dean School of Business and Professor of Marketing New York, United States
Mike Lynch mly*** Techmaster Electronics President Appliances Vista, CA, US
Yen Nguyen yng**** Techmaster Electronics General Manager Appliances Vista, CA, US
Elfreda Stone-Friedman est************ Techmaster Electronics Human Resources Manager and Accounting Appliances San Diego, CA, US
Bob Tyler bty*** Techmaster Electronics Business Development Manager Appliances Vista, CA, US
Nick Fallucca nfa****** Techmaster Electronics Head of US Operations Appliances Ocoee, FL, US
Delano Sapikowski dsa******** Techmaster Electronics Operations Manager Appliances Fremont, CA, US
Jonathan Okohson jok***** Techmaster Electronics Regional Account Director Appliances None
Anh Duc adu* Techmaster Electronics Trade Sales Manager Appliances London, ON, CA