
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Sarah Wilson swi**** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Program Director Alternative Dispute Resolution Hightstown, NJ, US
Dominick Brancato dbr****** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Executive Director Alternative Dispute Resolution New York, United States
Emmanuel Ojo-Powerson eoj********** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Advocate Counselor Alternative Dispute Resolution New York, NY, US
Emily Marks ema*** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Assistant Director of Afterschool Programs Alternative Dispute Resolution New York, United States
Jeffrey Booker jbo**** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Conflict Resolution Trainer and Facilitator Alternative Dispute Resolution New York, United States
Avery Rasmussen ara******* New York Center for Interpersonal Development Program Director Alternative Dispute Resolution New York, United States
Brandon Baptiste bba****** New York Center for Interpersonal Development Assistant Director of Training and Program Development Alternative Dispute Resolution Baldwin, NY, US
Samy Nabil sam* Sales Supervisor Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Mahmoud Shaaban mah**** Senior Android Developer Montserrat
t.erdem Şenel t.e**** Marketing and Business Development Coordinator Istanbul, TR