
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Nina Lampinen nin********** Localsoft, S.L. Localization Manager Translation and Localization Malaga, Andalucia, Spain
Pietro Di Siena pie************ Localsoft, S.L. LQA Test Lead Translation and Localization Málaga, AL, ES
Ángel Hernández Santana ãn********************** Localsoft, S.L. Localization Project Manager Translation and Localization Málaga, AN, ES
Iñigo Aranguren iã±************* Localsoft, S.L. Localization QA Project Manager Translation and Localization Andalusia, Spain
Vitaliy K vit****** Localsoft, S.L. QA Tester Translation and Localization Andalusia, Spain
Jônatas Bica jã´********** Localsoft, S.L. Localization Specialist Translation and Localization Porto Alegre, RS, BR
Belinda Warr bel********* Localsoft, S.L. Personal Assistant Translation and Localization Málaga, AN, ES
Gabriele Omaggio gab************* Localsoft, S.L. Community manager Translation and Localization Turin, IT
Joshua Patterson jos************ NewSouth Window Solutions Area Leader Manufacturing Tampa, FL, US
Anthony Granato ant*********** NewSouth Window Solutions Freelance Graphic Designer Manufacturing Salt Lake City, UT, US