
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Charlie Caliendo cha************* Retired Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States
Brad Felber bra******** Senior Analyst Milwaukee, WI, US
Chelsey Plutshack che************** Program Merchandiser Milwaukee, WI, US
Cheryl Jicha che********* IT Implementation Manager New Berlin, WI, US
Jordan Bauer jba*** Bauer Sign and Lighting Go To Guy Manufacturing North Prairie, WI, US
Jim Bauer jba*** Bauer Sign and Lighting PRESIDENT Manufacturing Muskego, WI, US
Gretchen Bauer gba*** Bauer Sign and Lighting Sales And Marketing Specialist Manufacturing New Berlin, WI, US
Dean Bosanko dbo***** Bauer Sign and Lighting Operations Manager Manufacturing United States
Scott Boese sbo*** Bauer Sign and Lighting Sales Executive Manufacturing New Berlin, WI, US
Bob Hacker bha**** Bauer Sign and Lighting General Manager Manufacturing Muskego, WI, US