
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Patrick Ziegeweid pat**** Trees on the Move Registered Landscape Architect Construction Milwaukee, WI, US
Joanna Fons joa*** Trees on the Move Senior Accountant Construction Milwaukee, WI, US
Todd Gillman tod* Trees on the Move Commercial Maintenance and Snow Operations Construction Franklin, WI, US
Kathleen Connors kat***** Trees on the Move Payroll Construction Milwaukee, WI, US
Sue McHugh [email protected] Trees on the Move Finance Director Construction New Berlin, WI, US
Joshua Peterson jos*** Trees on the Move Landscaper Construction Milwaukee, WI, US
Tom Nation tom******* Chief Executive Officer Milwaukee, WI, US
Rodriguez Hampton rod************** Chief Information Officer Atlanta, GA, US
Edwin Garcia edw********* Chief People Officer at PPC Partners Inc. Atlanta, GA, US
Peter Chan pet******* Vice President Human Resources Hong Kong