
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jennifer Ostyn jen*********** KNIME Senior Vice President Software Atlanta, GA, US
Paul Treichler pau*********** KNIME Vice President - Global Partnerships and Corporate Development Software New York, NY, US
Peter Ohl pet****** KNIME Co-Founder Software Konstanz, BW, DE
Sasha Rezvina sas********** KNIME Director of Product Marketing Software Berlin, DE
Thorsten Meinl tho*********** KNIME Head of Engineering Software Zürich, ZH, CH
Schalk Gerber sch********** KNIME Curriculum Designer Software Germany
Hayley Smith hay********* KNIME Marketing Communications Specialist Software Germany
Eva Neuner eva******* KNIME Practice Lead - Customer Success Software Zürich, ZH, CH
Nadine Buchschacher nad*** Chief Operating Officer Zurich, Switzerland
Jonas Wagner jon** Head of Technology Zürich, ZH, CH