
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mark Blessing mar********** Pitcher VP Global Marketing Software Boston, MA, US
Tagmac Topal tag********* Pitcher Deputy of VP Engineering Software Ankara, Turkey
Ole Goehring ole********* Pitcher Head of Global Marketing Software Zurich, Switzerland
Michel Stijelja mic************ Pitcher Finance Manager Software Zürich, ZH, CH
Norty Cohen nor******** Moosylvania CEO Advertising Services St. Louis, MO, US
Mary Delano mar******** Moosylvania Chief Marketing Officer Advertising Services St. Louis, MO, US
Andrew Cohen and********* Moosylvania Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Advertising Services St. Louis, MO, US
Jennifer Audetat jen************* Moosylvania Sr. Director Digital Strategy Advertising Services St. Louis, MO, US
Whitney Voigt whi********** Moosylvania Senior VP, Account Services Advertising Services St. Louis, MO, US
Michael Harris mic*********** Moosylvania VP, Media and Consumer Insights Advertising Services Littleton, CO, US