
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Steve Brandle sbr***** Independence Bank Security Officer Banking Owensboro, KY, US
Andrew Howard aho**** Independence Bank Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer Banking Philpot, Kentucky, United States
Keith Ballard kba***** Independence Bank Vice President, Portfolio Manager Banking Lexington, KY, US
Tawna Wright twr**** Independence Bank Chief Operations Officer Banking Owensboro, Kentucky, United States
Matt Antonich man****** Independence Bank Director of Information Technology Banking Havre, Montana, United States
Simone Montaven smo****** Independence Bank Human Resources Director Banking Owensboro, KY, US
Paige Dorsey pdo**** Independence Bank Operations Support Banking Henderson, KY, US
Claire Gates cla*** Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) London, GB
Andrew Harkness and*** Head of Performance Marketing Bristol, GB
Bill Hylan bil******* GRAMMER Americas CFO Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Toledo, OH, US