
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Dan Gauthier [email protected] Consulting Occupational Therapist Barrie, ON, CA
Tahira Israel tah*** Quality Assurance Specialist Oshawa, ON, CA
Kelly Law kel** Quality Assurance Editor Toronto, ON, CA
Gurvinder G gur****** Quality Assurance Specialist, Medicolegal Reports Editor Toronto, ON, CA
Matisse Kallman mka***** Radius Engineering, Inc. Advisor to Board of Directors Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing Redwood City, CA, US
Emmanuel Pons epo** Radius Engineering, Inc. International Business Development Manager Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing Hood River, OR, US
David Mei dme* Mei Electronics, Inc. CEO Computer Hardware Manufacturing Palo Alto, CA, US
Ray Tetreault rte******* Radius Engineering, Inc. Production Manager Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing Salt Lake City, UT, US
Saeed Parsa sae** Insurance Broker Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Randy Philpot ran********** Advanced Composites Inc. President Plastics Manufacturing Salt Lake City, UT, US