
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
William Stockwell wst******* Stockwell Elastomerics Chairman and Chief Technical Officer Manufacturing New London, NH, US
Tom Mosca tmo*** Stockwell Elastomerics Vice-President of Operations Manufacturing Bryn Athyn, PA, US
Rick Coulton rco***** Stockwell Elastomerics Manager Molding Operations Manufacturing Hatboro, PA, US
Kenneth Garsey kga**** Stockwell Elastomerics Senior Supply Chain Analyst Manufacturing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Mark Lego mle** Stockwell Elastomerics Business Development Manager Manufacturing Philadelphia, PA, US
Debbie Beckett dbe***** Stockwell Elastomerics Sr. Customer Service Representative Manufacturing United States
Andrea McCormick amc******* Stockwell Elastomerics Director of Customer Service Manufacturing Southampton, PA, US
Dan Shanahan dsh****** Stockwell Elastomerics Director of Applications Engineering Manufacturing Philadelphia, PA, US
Katy Chandler kch****** Eagle Construction of VA Vice President of Design Construction Richmond, VA, US
Zachary Semens zse**** Lucas Coatings Director of Marketing Manufacturing Oak Forest, IL, US