
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Emir Dizdarevic emi************ VP Process and Technology Altstätten, SG, CH
Nelson Labbate nel*********** Head of IT Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
Marina Hess mar******** Chief Quality Officer St. Gallen, Saint Gallen, Switzerland
John Dominic joh********* Maxava Vice President of Global Sales Software Development Doylestown, PA, US
Simon O'Sullivan sim************* Maxava Senior VP Software Development Wellington, New Zealand
Jennifer Zhang jen*********** Maxava Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Manager Software Development New Zealand
Mark Scanlon mar********* Maxava Vice President Sales, EMEA Software Development London, England, United Kingdom
Amal MacDonald ama*********** Maxava Senior Account Manager Software Development New York, New York, United States
Martin Norman mar********** Maxava Strategic Partner Development Manager Software Development Ambler, PA, US
Todd Ferguson tod********** Maxava Business Development Specialist Software Development Kennesaw, GA, US