
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Murray Van Wieringen van*********** DuroByte Inc. President Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
Curtis Laurie lau**** DuroByte Inc. Vice President Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
Serge Miskovic mis****** DuroByte Inc. Technical Director Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
Richard Huggins hug***** DuroByte Inc. Director of Sales And Business Development Electronics Detroit, MI, US
Renato Lira lir** DuroByte Inc. Controls Specialist Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
James Thoman tho**** DuroByte Inc. Sales and Program Manager Electronics Amherstburg, ON, CA
Adam Nguyen-Dang ngu********* DuroByte Inc. Technical Director Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
Datta Deshmukh des****** DuroByte Inc. Senior Controls Specialist Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
David Hallahan hal****** DuroByte Inc. Operations Manager Electronics Windsor, ON, CA
Alan Huskey ahu**** Field Inspector Yorktown, VA, US