
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Elisha Blakenship eli*** Owner New York, NY, US
Libby Williams lib** Owner Wake Forest, NC, US
Jesse Garant jes*** Jesse Garant Metrology Center President Manufacturing Windsor, ON, CA
Shawn Breault sha*** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Accounting and Vendor Management Manufacturing Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Adem Cevizli ade** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Quality Engineer Manufacturing Windsor, ON, CA
Fabio Primo Visentin fab*** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Operations Manager Manufacturing Ontario, Canada
Andrew Good and**** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Technology Manager Specializing in Computed Tomography and Xray - Jesse Garant Metrology Center Manufacturing Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Dan Remely [email protected] PRESIDENT Pittsburgh, PA, US
Dylan Yazbeck dyl*** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Operations Manager Manufacturing Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Martina Preney mar***** Jesse Garant Metrology Center Quality Engineer Manufacturing Windsor, ON, CA