
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Joshua Wells jwe*** Suniva Facility Manager Manufacturing Atlanta, GA, US
Ahmed ِal-Khafaji aù********** Suniva Process Operation Manufacturing Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Pamela Suniva psu**** Suniva Finance Department Manufacturing Norcross, GA, US
Rachelle Cornelius rac***** Enact Marketing Manager Software Culver City, CA, US
Mark Chapman mar* Enact Director of Energy Services Software California, United States
Paige Bassano pai** Enact Customer Success Manager Software Denver, CO, US
Zachary Roth rot* Controller Midland, Michigan, United States
Larry Koester koe**** NAS410 Certified Level 3 NDT Inspector MT and PT Saginaw, Michigan, United States
Patrick Russell rus**** Sr Designer Actuation Systems Mount Pleasant, MI, US
Rosenbrock Kelly kel** Customer Service Representative Saginaw, MI, US