
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Sean Cuniff sea** Nordon Commercial Food Service Equipment Sales Manager Food and Beverage Services Langhorne, PA, US
Jack Sullivan jac** Nordon Commercial Food Service Equipment Sales Manager Food and Beverage Services Langhorne, PA, US
Jeff Gordon jef** Nordon Commercial Food Service Equipment Sales Director Food and Beverage Services Suffolk, VA, US
Crint LaBrosse cla****** Director Of Manufacturing Saginaw, MI, US
Cindy Dana cda** R and D Analyst Saginaw, Michigan, United States
Josh Schreiner jsc******* Production Supervisor Frankenmuth, MI, US
Sarah Griffore sgr****** Marketing Accounts Coordinator Frankenmuth, MI, US
Jason Sommerfield jso********* Production Supervisor Michigan, United States
Lionel Vignes lio**** Nordon Commercial Food Service Equipment Project Manager Sud Est Food and Beverage Services Lyon, FR
Joe Rosso joe* Nordon Commercial Food Service Equipment Real Estate Consultant Food and Beverage Services Israel