
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Adam O'Rourke ao'****** National Support Director Saint Paul, MN, US
Devee McNally dev** madesmart® Owner, Founder, and CEO Retail Saint Paul, MN, US
Robert Mountain rob*** madesmart® President Retail Franklin, TN, US
Leah Whitehead lea* madesmart® Logistics and Distribution Lead Retail Saint Paul, MN, US
Linda VonRueden lin** madesmart® Senior Financial Analyst Retail Rogers, MN, US
Kathryn Mars kat**** madesmart® Art Director Retail Saint Paul, MN, US
Dana Savino dan* madesmart® E-Commerce Account Manager Retail Saint Paul, MN, US
Ron Shevlin rsh***** Chief Research Officer North Reading, MA, US
David Starr dst*** Associate Vice President Bensalem Township, PA, US
Patty Guinn pgu*** Director and Practice Leader of Clinical Informatics Atlanta, Georgia, United States