
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Richard Papp rpa** CloudOps Director of Compliance and Security Software Montreal, QC, CA
Patrick Dube pdu** CloudOps Software Development Manager Software Montreal, QC, CA
Reuel Wandji rwa**** CloudOps Cloud Specialist Software Montreal, QC, CA
Pascaline Guenou pgu**** CloudOps Technical Project Manager Software Montreal, QC, CA
Flo Adam fad** CloudOps Senior Cloud Developer Software Montreal, QC, CA
Patrick Thurston pth****** CloudOps System Administrator Software Montreal, QC, CA
Ian Post [email protected] Director of Sales Simi Valley, CA, US
Tommy Near tom** Modernization and Repair Manager Los Angeles, CA, US
Stephen Delgado ste**** Account Manager Los Angeles, California, United States
April Jappert apr** Sales Executive Manhattan Beach, California, United States