
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Nicolas Thorel nic**** Account Executive Cambodia
Robert Parsons rob*********** Holston Gases, INC Director Of Plant Operations Oil and Gas Knoxville, TN, US
Michelle Jackson mic************* Holston Gases, INC Accounting Oil and Gas Spartanburg, SC, US
Jessie Bush jes******** Holston Gases, INC Software Application Developer Oil and Gas Knoxville, TN, US
Yaprak Tellici yap*********** Etiya Human Resources Director İstanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Ali Durmus ali******* Etiya Founding Partner and Chief Technology Officer Turkey
Deren Özkepçe der************ Etiya Global Marketing Director Turkey
Sofiène Kamoun sof************ Etiya Vice President, Executive Innovation Advisor Montreal, QC, CA
Barış Uca bar******** Etiya Vice President of Sales, Turkey İstanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Christos Vassilicos chr**************** Etiya Program Director Montreal, QC, CA