
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Rebecca Robb reb********* WeightWatchers Senior Director, Digital Marketing Wellness and Fitness Services New York, NY, US
Ted Nikolai tni***** ODW Logistics President Transportation Columbus, OH, US
Albert Campbell aca****** ODW Logistics CFO Transportation New Albany, OH, US
Michael Roberts mro***** ODW Logistics Chief Information Officer Transportation Delaware, OH, US
Gary Meador gme**** ODW Logistics Chief Operating Officer Transportation Columbus, OH, US
Brian Woods bwo*** ODW Logistics Vice President of HR and Risk Management Transportation Hamilton, OH, US
Jeff Clark jcl*** ODW Logistics Executive Vice President {Warehousing, Distribution and Transportation Management} Transportation Granville, OH, US
Kerry Wilkinson kwi******* ODW Logistics Vice President Human Resources Transportation Columbus, Ohio, United States
Mark McIntyre mmc****** ODW Logistics General Manager Transportation Columbus, OH, US
Zack Weber zwe*** ODW Logistics Ceo Transportation Cedar Rapids, IA, US