
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Hanna Mieszczanska han*************** Strong Memorial Hospital M.D., F.A.C.C. Rochester, NY, US
Scott Downey sco********* Strong Memorial Hospital Pharmacist Penfield, NY, US
Jon Pecora jon******* Strong Memorial Hospital Sign Language Interpreter Rochester, NY, US
Sallieann Newhook sal************** Strong Memorial Hospital Registered Nurse Canandaigua, NY, US
Matthew Gross mat********** Strong Memorial Hospital Nephrologist Rochester, NY, US
Jarred Johnson jar*********** Strong Memorial Hospital Rochester, NY, US
Genevieve Madigan mad***** Kent Place School Chief Financial and Operating Officer Education New York, NY, US
Daria Coney con*** Kent Place School Director of Advancement Events Education New York, NY, US
Kimberly Pearson pea***** Kent Place School Director of Technology Education Summit, NJ, US
Natalie Silva sil*** Kent Place School Director of Leadership Giving Education New York, NY, US