
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lauren Millar lau*** Smith Design Director of Strategic Innovation Design Services New York, NY, US
Melissa Sadowski mel**** Smith Design Design Services Edison, NJ, US
Miles Hoffman mil** Smith Design Associate Design Director Design Services Morristown, NJ, US
Patricia Sumrell psu***** Smith Anderson Chief Financial Officer Law Practice Apex, NC, US
Byron Kirkland bki****** Smith Anderson Managing Partner Smith Anderson Law Practice Raleigh, NC, US
Carl Patterson cpa******* Smith Anderson Managing Partner (Lawyer) Law Practice Raleigh, NC, US
Lindsay Avagliano lav******* Smith Anderson Attorney Law Practice Chapel Hill, NC, US
Jordan Fieldstein jfi******** Smith Anderson Tax and Corporate Attorney Law Practice Raleigh, NC, US
Taylor Dewberry tde****** Smith Anderson Chief Diversity Officer and Employment Attorney Law Practice Raleigh, NC, US
Merrill Mason mma*** Smith Anderson Owner Law Practice Raleigh, NC, US